Facilitating Climate Dialogue

Past course: Nov 11-17 2023, Switzerland

A training course design to support your learning and empowerment on how to facilitate meaningful dialogue spaces about climate change.
We will explore how to accompany youth confronted by eco-anxiety and the complexity of contemporary challenges. In our holistic approach you can
get to know facilitation methods and tools adaptable to your unique field of work.

There are different ways to take part in this training. We can offer funded spots for youth workers, facilitators, and educators from the Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, and Germany of all ages. We also offer self – funded spots, based on a sliding scale contribution.  Please contact us if you are curious to participate. 

The training

We welcome you to a special training where we deep-dive into the art of hosting and facilitating Climate Dialogue spaces.  Our driving questions: 

  • How to hold spaces in which feelings about the global environmental situation can be felt, expressed and integrated?
  • How to facilitate meaningful conversations between people who have completely different perspectives on climate change?
  • Which skills and methods are relevant in order to work with youth groups on challenging topics such as climate change?
  • How to build resilience and community among youth regarding the challenges of the world we live in today?

We will explore these and other questions by diving into the essence of our work on Climate Dialogue. We will work with methods from Deep Ecology, Embodiment, Conflict transformation, Community Building and Social Presencing. An experiential journey with the group will be combined with reflection spaces – inviting meta perspectives in order to gain understanding of the underlying dynamics of these methods and processes. There will also be possibility to gain experience and insight into facilitation through practice and receiving feedback.

We will introduce the work with Narrative as a doorway into dialogue, and together consider a holistic perspective on nature and humans place in it – moving away from a narrow, technocratic climate narrative.

In this Training Course you will:

  • Experience and reflect on group exercises that invite emotions related to climate change to be felt, expressed and integrated.
  • Practice communication and facilitation tools for meaningful dialogue – enabling us to hold space for people with different understanding to meet in conversation.
  • Connect to an international network of youth workers and facilitators who want to hold authentic spaces for groups in order to build social cohesion and resilience


The Training Course will take place in Switzerland, in the Ecovillage Schloss Glarisegg, located directly between lake Constance and green forests. Holding our course in this magical place invites us to connect to the beauty of nature and our love for the Earth.  

We will sleep in shared rooms and dormitories, having the opportunity to use the wonderful and spacious seminar rooms of Schloss Glarisegg.

We will provide organic & plant-based meals throughout the whole course. Prepared with love  by Beat our beloved cook.

More information on travel and the location will be offered in the infopack upon registration. 


This Training is partly funded through the Movetia program of Switzerland. 

  • There are limited funded spots for Youth workers, where accommodation, food, and travel costs (up to a certain amount – depending on country of residency) are covered. Funded participants are asked for a contribution along a sliding scale of  150 – 300€/CHF . If you have financial obstacles, please contact us. There are some fully financed spot available as well. 
  • Anyone interested in this work can apply for a non-funded spot, for which we will ask a contribution along a sliding scale of 450 – 900€/CHF.

At the end of the course, we will make our costs transparent and help you navigate your financial contribution on the sliding scale. We do not want money to be an obstacle for your participation. Please tick the appropiate box in the sign up form, if you want to take part but cannot make a financial contribution.

Lovely to be in touch!

If you are interested to join us for a similar course, keep in touch!
Contact us if you have questions or would like to be updated about future courses: 
